Auronix Chat and artificial intelligence in fraud prevention

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Auronix Chat and artificial intelligence in fraud prevention

Post by Prisila56 »

Thanks to the billions of interactions handled by Auronix Chat, banks can increase their profitability and improve the user experience, across all types of communication media integrated into their processes and systems through APIs, while being able to connect to chat bots, contact center agents and processes.

All the benefits of achieving omnichannel communication between the romania whatsapp number data 5 million bank and thousands or millions of customers, with the confidence that 98% of messages are read within the first seconds of being received.

An automated service ideal for cell phone validation, twoway authentication (2FA), sending onetime passwords (OTP) , access codes (OTAC), antifraud alerts, promotions, loyalty, notifications, alerts, reminders, collections, invitations or satisfaction surveys. In addition, it is more than 15 times cheaper than a call with an agent, generates more contact and with the advantage of being able to generate reports and metrics in real time.


Artificial intelligence is ideal for detecting atypical behaviour patterns that could indicate fraud. On the other hand, cancelling a card or blocking a transaction due to a false alarm can be annoying for the customer. The solution is to apply artificial intelligence to detect possible fraud, and close the loop by validating the operation with the customer.
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