Microsoft tests HoloLens with its Mannequin Challenge

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Microsoft tests HoloLens with its Mannequin Challenge

Post by Raihanseo120 »

14 December, 2016 @ 2:10 pmby Eduardo Aranhain Digital Strategy Success Stories , Multimedia Content Production , TechnologyLeave a comment
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The Mannequin Challenge has been one of the hot topics on social media in recent weeks. Many celebrities – such as some personalities in the North American White House –, companies and organizations – in Portugal the Public Security Police joined the initiative – are beginning to recreate this challenge and encourage many others to do so, similar to what happened already with the Ice Bucket Challenge and the Harlem Shake .

For those who don't yet know this strange challenge, the Mannequin Challenge consists of creating a video where all the elements must appear static, as if they were mannequins. New videos appear every day that manage to surprise the public both due to the number of participants and the degree of difficulty played by some of the 'mannequins'.

And the video that Microsoft made to join this challenge is certainly surprising . Unlike anything that has ever been seen, the company developed a video that combines real mannequins with digital mannequins. More than joining this viral trend, the company decided to take advantage of this trend to promote the mixed reality technology used in HoloLens .

The result of Microsoft 's video can be viewed below:

The result was possible thanks to the Actiongram application , software that allows you to create user-controlled holograms : through this app you can choose the position where these elements will be fixed in three dimensions, what size they will be, their positioning, among other elements.
Actiongram is one of Microsoft 's most recent products and promises to revolutionize the way we communicate and tell stories, as it allows us to add holographic objects to our reality and move them, change their size, rotate them and even record them.

What makes the video more interesting is that fixing digital elements in the real world is in fact one of the great advantages of HoloLens , as we have already had the opportunity to attest.


In practice, the glasses map the physical world around us to understand exactly where a certain digital element is – such as a planet. This allows the user to walk around it, get closer or further away without this having any impact on the positioning of the content.
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