DISC is a test used to discover people's behavioral profile , very useful as a candidate analysis tool during the recruitment and selection of professionals, as well as for their development throughout their career.
This is a very practical and suitable model to apply in online recruitment processes , which are so common especially after the pandemic. According to a survey carried out by the Locomotiva Institute , for example, the trend of conducting recruitment online should continue, according to 95% of the HR departments interviewed.
In this article we will explain:
What is DISC;
How the test works;
DISC behavioral profiles;
Benefits of the method for Product leaders;
How to apply the DISC test in your company.
Happy reading!
What is DISC
DISC is a behavioral profile test widely used in the Human thailand mobile phone number Resources area and which contributes to the development of professionals and teams as a whole. The test can also be used by leaders in various areas to customize feedback models , delegate tasks , train people and hire new talent .
This model helps predict how people will act in certain situations and how they will face the challenges that are part of the company's routine, based on specific and very objective questions.
This model allows us to assess people's behavioral skills , the so-called soft skills , and identify reaction patterns, considering internal and external factors that influence professionals' ways of acting and decision-making.
How DISC came about
The DISC was developed by American psychologist William Moulton Marston , based on studies of people's behavior in certain contexts. Marston published his findings in the 1920s under the title “The Emotions of Normal People”, presenting the various behavioral profiles.
But it was researcher Walter Vernon Clarke who, in 1945, created the DISC profile test as we know it today. Over time, this methodology gained new contours and is widely applied in the corporate environment.
Now that you know the origin of the DISC test and what this concept means, come and find out how this evaluation model works and how it can be applied to digital product companies .
How the DISC test works
The DISC test is conducted using multiple-choice questionnaires and forms that people must fill out to discover their behavioral profile. The test questions cover topics such as opinions, tastes, habits, worldview, behaviors, ways of dealing with certain situations, experiences and emotions.
The questionnaire can also present some words for the person to choose the one that best defines them or some phrases for the person to mark the one that makes the most sense according to their personality and the one that makes the least sense.
The test results are formulated based on specific metrics that indicate people's behaviors and skills, as well as the dominant profile of these employees. Some insights that can come from the test are people's motivations, ways of communicating, and their strengths and weaknesses.
With the online tools for applying DISC, after the questions are answered, the system compiles the responses and generates a report with the individual's behavioral profile.
DISC is applied individually and, if it is done during a selection process, for example, the company can stipulate a time for carrying out the test.
The 4 behavioral profiles
According to the DISC methodology, there are 4 possible behavioral profiles for people:
Dominance: people with this profile are very practical and competitive and have the habit of leading situations and making decisions, in addition to having a strong entrepreneurial streak and great creativity. Another characteristic of this profile is the ability to deal with problems and challenges that arise, in addition to being agile in finding solutions. On the other hand, these people may have more difficulty working in a team and accepting other people's opinions;
Influence: Employees with this profile tend to have great powers of persuasion over other people, are very communicative, sociable and self-confident. A disadvantage of this profile is the lack of focus, accompanied by difficulty in completing tasks;
Stability: this profile has a good level of emotional intelligence and is quite flexible, adapting easily to different situations, in addition to having a great capacity for observation and acceptance. People with this profile can be more reserved and disciplined, in addition to having an easier time adopting a routine. On the other hand, these employees tend not to like taking risks and prefer to stay in more comfortable places;
Compliance/Compliance: People with this profile like to follow established rules, are meticulous and quite analytical. Another characteristic of this type of behavior is meeting deadlines, paying attention to detail and quality of work. A disadvantage here is the high level of demand, which can paralyze employees with this profile.
As you can see, the first letter of each profile makes up the acronym DISC. It is possible to present characteristics of more than one DISC profile , but one of them ends up predominating in people.
DISC tests usually provide a final report with the results of the person's behavioral profile and the percentage achieved in each of the DISC categories. This makes it possible to understand how people act not only based on their predominant profile, but also based on the characteristics of the other profiles.
Benefits of DISC for Product Leaders
We saw how, with DISC, it is possible to recognize certain patterns of behavior and ways of acting that must be considered, for example, during a selection process.
But companies can also benefit from this testing model with employees who have been working in the organization for a longer time. In this sense, the methodology can be particularly beneficial for Product leaders , who need to build an engaged team and manage people efficiently.
DISC therefore allows leaders to achieve even better results with their respective teams. But this is just one of the advantages of adopting this methodology. We have separated some more benefits of the test for you to learn about:
Find professionals aligned with the vacancy profile and the company culture, facilitating the selection process;
Help in the development of professionals, based on the recognition of the behavioral profile of these people;
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each professional on the team, personalizing training and a plan for developing skills;
Create specific career plans according to the preferences, perspectives and way of acting of the people on the team;
Delegate tasks according to the capabilities of each professional;
Optimize the feedback offered and the ways of passing on feedback to people (for example, for dominance profiles, it is interesting to be more objective in the feedback to the professional);
Increase employee engagement with the company, making them feel valued and recognized;
Direct candidates to roles that best suit their profile;
Reduce turnover in the company;
Form teams with different profiles that complement each other , which is important to have different visions and find the best solutions to different problems;
Optimize teamwork , because people know each other and their colleagues better, aligning expectations and knowing how the team works.
But it is important to note that leaders should not rely solely on DISC test results to make decisions about who to hire or what guidance to offer their employees. A company faces complex challenges, in which several skills are required, and therefore, the analysis of leaders must consider all of these complexities.
In this sense, leaders should test other skills of candidates during the selection process and closely monitor the performance of professionals in the day-to-day work of the area. It is important to remember that, although the DISC test points to a specific behavioral profile, people can have characteristics of several profiles and, therefore, should not be analyzed solely according to the test result.
In addition, leaders can also take the DISC test for self-knowledge, identifying what their leadership style is .