The Onetwotrip bot helps you find flights

Buy owner data from various industry. Like home owner, car owner, business owner etc type owner contact details
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[email protected]
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The Onetwotrip bot helps you find flights

Post by [email protected] »

Sberbank has one of the most advanced bots. The chat has a built-in menu with the following items: branches, ATMs, currency, quotes. With its help, you can calculate how much a certain amount in currency costs at the current rate, find out stock quotes, the cost of oil and metals, find ATMs and branches nearby.


To do this, you need to enter the departure and arrival list of saudi arabia cell phone numbers points, day and time of day. The bot will select suitable options.

Russian Post also has its own bot! It works around the clock and answers questions like “how to track a postal item?” and “how long is a parcel stored at the post office?” within a minute.


Some media outlets have also started to acquire bots. With the help of Meduza's Telegram assistant, you can request the latest news, the most popular materials, the most relevant articles by keyword, selections of the main news of the day, as well as random material about cats from the media. "The function for which we made this bot," Meduza writes.


There are also some particularly creative bots, such as the account quest of the Svyaznoy company. The bot asks the user to help it get to the Svyaznoy office. The user needs to be offered different route options to get it to its destination.


In today's anti-piracy reality, Telegram may become the only channel for some services to communicate with their audience. The online library "Flibusta" was blocked in the summer of 2015, but now you can download books not only on the new domain and through anonymizers, but also using a bot in Telegram.

To do this, you need to send him the title of the book, he will offer the options found, after which you need to click on the link with the appropriate format (fb2, epub or mobi), and the book will be downloaded directly in the chat. More books are available to users through the bot than on the website.
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