Pre-sale ads in e-commerce

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Pre-sale ads in e-commerce

Post by bitheerani93 »

You can invest in ads to boost your e-commerce pre-sales. Sponsored links help your business reach out further and reach people who don't yet know about your online store or who have already had contact with it but haven't made a purchase (what we call remarketing ).

To create paid ads, the store owner can use tools such as Google Ads or venezuela phone number list Ads Manager , which allows the creation and placement of ads on both Facebook and Instagram.

One of the biggest advantages of this type of strategy is that paid ad creation tools allow you to segment the audience that will be impacted by the ads. This way, the retailer can conduct research to understand what type of consumer might be interested in that pre-sale and target ads to people with that profile.

Pre-sale on WhatsApp or Telegram
According to a survey conducted by Mobile Time in 2020, WhatsApp is installed on 99% of Brazilian smartphones. The Panorama Mobile survey, conducted by Time/Opinion Box, showed that 35% of smartphones in Brazil have Telegram.

How can these two instant messaging apps help retailers to pre-sell in e-commerce? Simple: by creating groups.

In a recent live event held by Melhor Envio in partnership with Babi Tonhela, partner and head of product at Ecommerce na Prática, it was discussed how retailers can encourage their customers and leads to participate in groups created to anticipate news, offer advantages and discounts, and so on.

Babi points out that this strategy is particularly interesting on seasonal dates, such as Black Friday, but that the model itself works all year round. Basically, what the retailer needs to do is invite people to join closed groups that he will create with a purpose that must be clearly communicated (offering discounts, guaranteeing exclusivity in the purchase of a product, etc.). It is important that these groups are closed and that only the administrator can send messages, because otherwise it will be impossible to control the parallel conversations.

For the strategy to work, the retailer must warm up this customer base that is waiting for the new product, creating expectations in this audience. Want to understand more about the strategy? Watch the live broadcast with Babi in full here:
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