You can also negotiate with suppliers

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You can also negotiate with suppliers

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We have to audit all business operating costs. Are there any items whose costs are rising uncontrollably? Raw materials, worker wages, logistics costs, everything has to be included in the list. Once you clearly know what is taking up the most money for the company, then you can find ways to reduce it. After the audit, we need to make a plan to optimize the work process. Is there a way to make the work faster and smoother? If you can automate certain tasks, even better. For example, if there is software or technology that can help make work faster and cheaper in the production process.

about the price of raw materials or services we get from them. You can try to gambling data indonesia negotiate the price if you buy in large quantities. Try to get a cheaper price, because even the smallest discount can be big in the long run. As the business gets bigger, the workforce must also increase. But, we have to check the manpower requirements. Are there any jobs that can be replaced by technology or automation systems? Try investing in technology that can help reduce job costs. Many businesses lose money due to damage or waste in the operational process.

Try to find ways to reduce waste, for example by improving quality control or using technology that can monitor in real-time. Need to update and evaluate operating budget . Changes in business scale may require adjustments in expenses. Make sure the budget we set suits your actual needs and allows room for investment. #3. Limitation pricing, and increased costs If B2B, there is limitation pricing. However, the material cost increases. Not to mention the excise. There is a diversification game, including breaking down client targets, with certain strategies. We need to rearrange our pricing strategy.
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