Working for an option in Russian IT practice is still a rare occurrence - many do not know how to formalize these relationships, not all people understand the same thing under an option in a company. theRunet decided to figure out how things are with this phenomenon in 2016.
Negative attitude
The attitude of venture capitalists towards employee uganda whatsapp number list stock options is rather negative. Many see this as a question of mistrust towards the project - why is the share given away so easily? Does the founder himself believe in what he is doing?
Dmitry Maslennikov believes that the choice of “whether or not to take an option in a company” depends on the level and competence of the person making such an offer.
<p>"In essence, an option is an offer of partnership in business. And the partner either believes in the success of this business or not. If not, he will be inclined to pay in full, if he is sure that it will "take off" and with a good multiplier, he will bargain for a share, up to the point of no salary.</p> <p>Example: Google is now announcing a new startup, an investment of $150M + all Google resources for promotion. The conditions are as follows: no salary, but if you work for a year on the project, then you get a 7% share. How long do you think the line will be?</p> <p>Option number two: Petya Vasechkin from Kolomna, a carpenter, decided to create a marketplace where some will post carpentry products, and others will buy. And yes, there is also a social network, and a messenger, and dating too.</p><p>
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