This point is key in terms of cooperation between the marketing and quality control departments. Communication on this point must be perfectly fine-tuned.
The OKK should constantly monitor not only how well the sales people work, but also lead generation: how many requests are received, whether they are targeted, what kind of clients they are, what is their loyalty level, etc.
If the QC does not receive up-to-date thailand business email list information about leads, the company risks losing potential customers. Information should be exchanged daily.
As a rule, marketers report on the fulfillment of the plan for the number of leads, but few people pay attention to their quality.
Integrating the work of the quality control department into the marketing department
Managers' workload.
When launching new promotions and other activities, incoming requests grow rapidly. Therefore, the marketing department must coordinate efforts with the sales department so as not to overload the staff and not miss leads.
The quality control service comes to the rescue, having all the current information: it knows the number of missed calls, unclosed deals, leads in the waiting status. OM sends its plans for events to the quality control department, and it immediately gives feedback to adjust the conditions and timing of their launch.
Conducting promotions.
During any promotion, its result is entirely determined by the efforts of managers. Therefore, at the request of marketers, the OKK can monitor the quality of sales staff's work especially carefully: whether they present the product correctly and inform the client about the conditions, whether they talk about promotions at all, and how customers react to this.
There are many options for interaction here, you just need to understand that the return on a marketing event can be much greater if the OM and OKK put their efforts into it.
Pricing and positioning of products.
Preparing materials for the presentation of a product or service is the task of marketers. They select the most significant advantages and arguments in favor of a new product, and they are also responsible for the pricing policy.
On the other side is the quality control department: it collects feedback from customers. It needs to be passed on to OM so that work tactics can be quickly adjusted.
The interaction between the two departments takes place in the following formats:
Periodic calibration meetings to exchange information and ideas on how to improve product delivery and business processes within the firm.
Exchange of reports and preparation of joint reports. Departments check the correctness of data in each other's reports, the correctness of calculations and conclusions.
Focus groups. They are usually assembled during planning and preparation of campaigns to prevent standard errors. The focus group does not involve the entire quality control department, but only individual employees.
Exchange of information about leads (their quantity, channels of receipt).
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