How to quickly digitalize the sales department

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How to quickly digitalize the sales department

Post by kumartk »

An online sales channel: what it is and how to create it
How can your company generate customers automatically through the Internet? At Connext we work with Inbound Marketing.

Thanks to this strategy, we can capture leads (or contacts) through the Internet , determine if they are contacts of interest to our company (MQL / SQL) and their degree of interest in contacting our sales team.

In this way, our salespeople do not spend so much time on prospecting. They russia email list do not go knocking on doors, but rather receive a flow of leads that are interested in receiving information about the company's products or services. Thus, the salesperson's role becomes that of an advisor or consultant in his area of ​​expertise. The sales department improves its results, optimizes its time, and sells more.

How do we create this sales channel at Connext?
The first step is to carry out an in-depth analysis of our client's company. We want to know the sector, its digital competition, keywords and topics of interest, and its ideal client. We create a semi-fictional representation of these in the Buyer Personas study , where we conduct interviews with profiles of interest to find out what they are like, how they come into contact with the company, how they consume information, and their main problems and needs.
The website is your store’s showcase. You have to keep it updated and take into account usability factors (UX). But when it comes to selling or attracting contacts, it’s not enough just to have a “pretty” website. It has to be prepared and focused on conversion.
This is where we at Connext are experts. Marketing and lead acquisition in companies in the industrial and technological sectors is our strong point.

We work on the company's content and SEO positioning to be right where its ideal clients are going to look for it.
We work on qualifying contacts that enter the website. Here we ask ourselves how we can quickly determine that a contact is interesting, how we should request the information that interests us and how we can push the contact to offer it to us.
From here, we make available to our clients in HubSpot , one of the most powerful marketing, sales and service CRMs on the market , the list of all these contacts that have entered the website and the information that interests them. The sales team makes contact, sales are made.


Basics: What do I need to get started?
The main thing will be to bring together the sales team (and, if possible, the marketing team as well) because from now on, they will have to work in a coordinated manner. This means that sales will be able to ask marketing for material and content that is essential for the sale; and that marketing can ask sales for feedback at any time to optimize its strategies. Everything will take place in the digital environment.

Involve both teams (sales and marketing) in this express digital transformation process so that they feel motivated and do not see it as a complication.
Every adaptation process is complex. Let your team know that they have your support and that of the company. Create unity.
Create a channel to facilitate the flow of interdepartmental information
Company website: update it. Products, services, equipment, machinery… sales must be able to use the website URLs as a sales element. The website must show your products and/or services.
Social media : review and work on your online presence. Social media is a key space for sales, both B2C and B2B. In the latter case, LinkedIn is the social network par excellence for contact between professionals and companies. Make sure you have a company profile and that your salespeople work on their personal one… it is essential to start selling here.
Train your salespeople. It's not a bad idea to send a digital sales course to your sales team during this crisis, especially if they are not used to selling online. This can help them and motivate them to put into practice actions they had not done before.
We also recommend that you get a sales CRM . At Connext , as we have already told you, we work with HubSpot, which offers a complete sales, marketing and service suite.

If you start using HubSpot, you'll surely see all its potential and all the time and money it can save your company. However, for this moment when we need to act quickly, I invite you to download this FREE version.
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