From January 13, 2025, when registering a creative in the ORD, you will need to fill in a new field — the category of goods and services. The category will need to be selected from a special classifier — KKTU. This field already exists in some ORDs, but it is not yet mandatory to fill it in. Read the article for more details about the changes.
Table of contents
What is KKTU
KKTU is a classifier of categories of goods and services. It is used when marking advertisements to show which group of services or goods the advertised object belongs to.
Suitable for articles, banners, posts on social networks, telegram uganda whatsapp channels, videos. It doesn't matter whether you publish self-promotion, integrations from bloggers or purchase banners - you can mark any advertisement for free via .
What to do:
Register at , click on “Create an account” or “Add a site” in the “Sites for marking” block;
Enter information about the new site into the window with fields;
Fill in the marking scheme, specify the details of all participants in the chain. You can create schemes of any complexity, adding intermediate intermediaries;
Add creatives and get a token;
Make the de-allocation within 30 days after the end of the reporting period.
also allows you to manage all campaigns from one interface. The ecosystem offers over 15 automated services for ad optimization and customization, visual dashboards for analytics, and an affiliate program. It allows you to receive up to 16% of the funds spent back to your account .
KKTU instead of OKVED: what will change in advertising labeling from
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