Web design trends (or web design trends, as they can also be called) tend to change from time to time and, therefore, keeping up with them is essential for those who work in the digital environment and seek to achieve good results.
This is your case, isn't it?
So, be sure to read each of the following paragraphs carefully and apply the final tip to have even more success with your website agency or digital marketing agency.
Why your agency needs to pay attention to market trends
You may be wondering why you should pay attention to web design trends or any other segment related to the digital market.
And it turns out that, as explained above, this importance lies precisely in the fact that these trends will help you achieve more expressive results : when applied to each client's business, they have the power to generate more differentiation and more connection with the public, for example, and it is no wonder that they are used by everyone who wants to be ahead of the competition.
Top web design trends you should know about
Regardless of the trends, you and your team need to keep an eye on them. And when it comes to web design trends, it’s no different.
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Many of them, in fact, are timeless. And, when combined with more current trends, they create initiatives that definitely need to be linked to your clients' websites.
Here are 5 of them:
1. Minimalism
The famous phrase “less is more” is, more than ever, linked to web design, and should be considered when building websites that want to keep their visitors browsing for as long as possible.
In short: it's time to forget about unnecessary visual stimuli, and focus on cleaner visual navigation.
2. Animations
Especially for those who are “old school”, the idea of using animated texts to create websites may seem a bit absurd, but this is still another interesting trend that is on the rise.
Animation, in general, is great for retaining attention. And if it’s interactive, even better!
3. Responsiveness
Responsiveness, in turn, is one of the web design trends that will continue to be popular for a long time, as it concerns nothing less than making a website open on the most diverse types of devices without losing quality.
Do websites built for clients these days work perfectly on mobile devices?
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If so, congratulations! This means that responsiveness is already being used by your team.
4. Bold colors
In design, in general, colors are explored so that they can awaken specific sensations/emotions in those who see them and, when it comes to building corporate websites , this use is also maintained.
The current trend, specifically, focuses a little more on boldness, embracing vibrant colors and their respective gradients as a way to engage visitors for a longer period of time.
But of course, this is a type of trend that should be used in georgia phone number data accordance with the client's brand manual. If the client focuses on pastel colors, for example, adopting vibrant tones may not be a good idea.
5. Nostalgia
Finally, another big trend in web design is the use of nostalgia as a way to captivate a large number of people and make them stay for a long time exploring the website they visited.
This site, in this context, is built with retro style elements, with a “vintage feel”.
The smartest way to use current trends on your clients' websites
So: what did you think of each of the trends presented in the paragraphs above?
Now, you need to know how to apply them properly on the websites developed for your clients and, in this regard, have no doubts: count on the help of Tercerizando Web .
We are specialists in this type of service and have been serving agencies throughout Brazil for years, creating websites while internal teams focus on other demands necessary for businesses to prosper.
We even incorporate web design trends appropriately into all projects, always focusing on retention and results: talk to us now to find out more details about how we can help you.